this chapter of nonfik has ended

Late in 2021, we started thinking: how could we make free guides and books even more accessible?
We landed on the idea of user-specific bookshelves filled with vetted free business books. Add in a dash of collaborative learning through comments and you have an app that gives eBooks a chance to go beyond “lead generation.”
Fast forward a couple months to Jan 2022, and we had 100 books listed, custom bookshelves built, and threaded comments implemented on every sidebar.
That's why, after lots of red ink and some dog-eared pages, we're ending this chapter of nonfik.
It’s been a whirlwind year since. A lot of learning. A lot of users like you! But unfortunately, we weren't able to generate enough traction to sustain our operating costs.
As of December 26, 2022, the book is closed on our app. That means no new signups, and we’ll be shutting down individual readers’ accounts. That includes all saved bookshelves, comments, and lists.
f you've got any questions or need any help with your account, drop us a note. We (still) love reading!

so what's in the next chapter?

Spoiler alert: we aren't 100% sure yet, but here's what we DO know:
The main website lives on: you can still request any individual book from its listing page and browse fully curated collections of recommended reading.
We’ll be creating actionable Notion packs for industry-leading how-to guides in the future. If you'd like an example of what that means, check out the DIY Startup School — featuring our exclusive free eBook The Success Secret: How the Best Startups Start Up (and How You Can, too) and companion Notion templates.
Again, we can’t thank you enough for giving nonfik a shot. We'll be back soon but until then...
Keep on readin’.